Recording a podcast sounds like an easy proposition. In theory, it should be. But, somehow in all my plans for recording this podcast, I had failed to take into account my 2 year old who is practically my shadow. Oh, and we also have a dog who barks at weird noises who needed to be quarantined to the other part of the house. Saturday night, we finally set up the microphone and everything and Veronica (the daughter, not the dog) decided that suddenly, her favorite food (mac and cheese) and favorite princess movie (Little Mermaid) are not enough to keep her entertained for 20 minutes. This is a child who can sit through a whole movie and can eat 3 full portions of mac and cheese normally. I tried everything. Colors, baby dolls, tea parties, and still all she wanted was to be in that room with us, chatting as we tried to record.
Take two, today during her nap. This time, the dog wants to bark constantly, but again we move her to another room. And James decides that he isn't feeling chatty. But I persevere, and we finally get into a rhythm and finish our first ever podcast. So, now I am looking at a couple hours of editing before it is ready for public consumption, but it is coming. And we get to do it all again next weekend, but at least I have learned a few lessons. Podcast only when the child is sleeping, the dog is contained and the husband is happy. Few and far between moments. :)
Take two, today during her nap. This time, the dog wants to bark constantly, but again we move her to another room. And James decides that he isn't feeling chatty. But I persevere, and we finally get into a rhythm and finish our first ever podcast. So, now I am looking at a couple hours of editing before it is ready for public consumption, but it is coming. And we get to do it all again next weekend, but at least I have learned a few lessons. Podcast only when the child is sleeping, the dog is contained and the husband is happy. Few and far between moments. :)