Now, although that review appears to have more detail, does it really? Is there anything in that review that I can actually take to the bank, helping me make a decision about a future cruise on that ship? And then, imagine reading those two reviews back to back on a site, and you just want to throw your hands up in the air and wonder "what is the truth?!?"
I won't give examples for every category, but you get the idea. Last spring, there was a huge swath of terrible reviews for almost every ship out of New Orleans and Galveston right around Easter. Apparantely, it was Easter vacation in Mexico, and there were a large number of unsupervised children running all over the ship, knocking on stateroom doors at all hours, interrupting stage shows with cat calls, and other general mayhem. If you read those reviews without knowing what was going on, you would think that these ships hosted the worst staff in cruising and might would be gunshy to ever book a cruise on them. Knowing the details, however, tells you to perhaps really look at when you are booking a cruise in relation to everyone else.
So, that is just my opinion of what makes a good cruise review. What do you think? Has a review ever stopped you from booking a particular ship or line? Happy review writing, and I look forward to reading all of your very detailed cruise reviews. Oh, and if you have any you would like to share, feel free to email us at [email protected] and we would love to post them here on the site.